Community Policing


Did you know the Sheriff’s Office offers a wide variety of Community Policing Services? These Community Policing Services are provided free of charge and are designed to bring about a closer relationship between you and the Sheriff’s Office to serve your needs.

Some of these services include:

Residential/Vacation Checks
Citizens can call and request that their residence be checked while they are out of town or on special occasions such as funerals. A patrol Deputy will check your residence and make sure that it is secure.

Crime Surveys
Officers routinely stop at residences and interview citizens about any concerns they might have which the Sheriff’s Office can follow up on. We encourage everyone to be a good neighbor and report any suspicious activity.

Welfare Checks
If you are concerned about anyone who may need any kind of help, such as children or the elderly, we will send a Deputy to conduct a welfare check.

Extra Patrols
Upon report of any suspicious activity, we will initiate an Extra Patrol for the area involved to concentrate on the complaint.

Sheriff’s Office Officials will be provided to any group or organization to speak and address any Law Enforcement Topic that is of a concern.

The DARE Program
We have an active Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) program in many schools throughout the county.

School Bus Patrols
Deputies routinely follow school buses to ensure students have a safe trip and to deter motorists from violating traffic laws related to school bus safety.

We solicit your support and help in preserving the quality of life to which we are accustomed and making Robertson County a better place to live and raise our families. If you have any questions/suggestions or need one of these services, contact us at (615) 384-7971.