Springfield, TN, August 26, 2014– The Tennessee Sheriffs’ Association (TSA) held their annual conference August 18-22, 2014 in Sevierville, TN. Each year, the association elects its officers for the upcoming year. The Robertson County Sheriff’s Office is proud to announce that Sheriff Bill Holt was elected to serve as President of the Tennessee Sheriffs’ Association for 2014-15.

Sheriff Holt had previously served as Vice President of Division III as well as Chairman of the Corrections Committee. This was the 43rd annual conference of the TSA. Founded in 1971, The Tennessee Sheriffs’ Association is an educational organization whose purpose is to promote better and more effective law enforcement by providing valuable tools to sheriffs, chief deputies, and jail administrators including mandated training and a platform for interagency cooperation.

Upon assuming the office, Sheriff Holt was sworn in by TBI Director Mark Gwyn.

“It is humbling to be elected by your peers to represent all sheriffs of Tennessee in such a capacity,” said Sheriff Bill Holt. “I am honored to serve as President of the Tennessee Sheriffs’ Association, and it is my duty in that position to also represent Robertson County in the most professional manner that I know how.”